Friday, December 9, 2011

Ms Nom Nom Nom

Ahhh.  Ms Pacman.  Sexy little nom nom.

Seems like only yesterday (read: 25 years ago) that I threw quarters at you and chomped up little white pellets.  Ate some ghosts.  Ran after fruit.  That damn pretzel.  The memories!

Anyway, while the first cabinet I ever bought was my Defender cabinet (which came with a Gauntlet II board in it, and is now awaiting restoration into a Multi-Williams), this Ms Pacman is the first game I've bought since I decided to embrace this hobby.

And she works.  Beautifully.  Fully original, except for the CPO which has been restored because the original was crappy.  Obviously she has some faults--like that marquee for instance.  Where's the pink stripe?  I seem to remember that ghost is supposed to also be pink.  Where's the beef pink?

Sadly, it has faded. Boooo! (boo, you know, like ghosts?)

Anyway, I got this from a NY transplant that moved to Georgia.  As I'm pulling away from his neighborhood, I cross Midway road!  It's kismet.  Destiny!

Check out this awesomeness!

Sure, the sides are a little faded, as is the front art, but she's whole.  Not too terrible.  I figure it'll cost about $100 to restore (paint and stencils, plus some new t-molding).  Last thing to fix will be a new marquee.  I'm not gonna put this on my project list just yet, as it works and only needs minor cosmetic surgery to restore.

Oh yeah!  Just a touch of what's called "G07 curl" on the right side.  See, the monitor is an ElectroHome G07 monitor, mounted vertically.  The right side is really the top if you were to look at it mounted horizontally (I think that's right).  So the picture is curling a little.  No amount of fiddling with the chassis on the back of the monitor will fix it.

There's a solution from TheRealBobRoberts that talks about this.  I may attempt that fix if the monitor ever gets really bad and needs a cap kit, but for now I'm not gonna solder on this baby!

Future plans for the old girl include getting a 96-in-1 multipac from Mike Doyle.

But for now, it's "nom nom nom".